"This isn't the end of my struggle but this is the beginning to reach all my dreams" Dear : My beloved mother in Heaven Mom, this is my special present to you. I wanna say thank you for everything that you've done for me. Thank you for being the inspirator in my life. All the achievements I have accomplished just for you and daddy. Sorry if all this time I have not been able to become the best for you, but I will not stop reaching all dreams and makes you proud of me. Hopefully one day we can reconcilable back in the next life. love you mom :') Setelah kurang lebih tepat 4 tahun saya menempuh masa studi di Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta. Akhirnya saya berhasil mendapat gelar Sarjana Ekonomi. Do'a dan harapan akan terus dipanjatkan untuk keberkahan dan kemanfaatan atas ilmu yang saya pelajari selama ini. Terima kasih untuk orang-orang terdekat saya, Ayah, kakak-kakak, saudara, sahabat, dosen, mentor, teman dan Si Dia ...